WiDS Paris-Saclay
New digital format. Come join us on this amazing online event.
WiDS Paris-Saclay 2020 is an independent event organized by Télécom Paris, Inria Saclay, InnoEnergy and Total to coincide with the annual Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference held at Stanford University and an estimated 150+ locations worldwide.
All genders are invited to attend WiDS regional events, which features outstanding women doing outstanding work.
Organized by

About WiDS @ Stanford University
The Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. WiDS started as a one-day technical conference at Stanford in November 2015. Five years later, WiDS is a global movement that includes a number of initiatives:
- A global conference with 150+ regional events worldwide in more than 60 countries, reaching 100,000 participants annually online and in person.
- A podcast series, featuring data science leaders from around the world talking about their work, their journeys, and lessons learned along the way
- An education outreach program to encourage high school students to consider careers in data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and related fields.
For more information about Stanford initiative visit: their website here!
Our event is composed by a 6 episodes mini web serie &
a live webinar on September 14th 2020
All of the videos will be available on Télécom Paris YouTube channel
Go to Télécom Paris YouTube channel See the complete agenda hereSpeakers
Vision talk speakers, round-table panelists & ambassadors

Florence d'Alché-Buc
Professor, Télécom Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Anne-Laure Bullière
Functional architect of Total's Refinery 4.0 Project

Emilie Chouzenoux
Inria Saclay - Île-de-France

Ioana Manolescu
Research director, Inria Saclay - Île-de-France - École polytechnique

Amélie Claus
Student in data science field,
Télécom Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Céline Jullien
Head of Citizen Engagement, InnoEnergy S.E. Founder of “Better Energy By Europeans™”

Nathalie Brunelle
Project Director Total@Saclay, President of TWICE (Total Women Network)

Assia Mouloudi
User eXperience Manager @ SAP, member of Cercle InterElles network

Estelle Dirand
R&D Project Leader in
Scientific Visualization @ Total

Marie-Anne Lotz
Data scientist @ Total
& WiDS 2020 ambassador

Elvira Shishenina
Quantum Computing research scientist @ Total, president and co-founder of QuantX, WiDS 2020 ambassador

Mariana Kobayashi
Digital Projects Coordinator @ Total,
WiDS Paris-Saclay 2020 Project Leader,
Community manager of CorrelAid Paris
Web-serie links
- 04/09 - Episode 01 : Introduction & Mot des Ambassadrices
- 07/09 - Episode 02 : Florence D'Alché
- 08/09 - Episode 03 : Emilie Chouzenoux
- 09/09 - Episode 04 : Anne-Laure Bullière
- 10/09 - Episode 05 : Ioana Manolescu
- 11/09 - Episode 06 : Conclusion & Introduction Table Ronde
Webinar live | 14/09 | 18h00 - 19h30 CEST
- Opening by Télécom Paris - Nicolas Glady and Johanna Legru
- Opening by Total - Nathalie Brunelle
- Questions and Answers with the web-serie speakers
- Round Table
Organized by

Supported by

Participate to the live webinar about data for good, equity, diversity and female leardership
September 14th 2020 at 18h00 CEST
Spoken langage will be french
register now through eventbriteTestimonials
En tant qu’ambassadrice WIDS 2019, et membre du comité d’organisation cette année, je voudrais souligner l’importance de donner la parole aux femmes engagées dans la transformation digitale au sein de nos organisations, sur des secteurs d’avenir comme la data science, en particulier, pour développer la mixité professionnelle dans les secteurs de l’industrie et du digital. C’est pour cela que j’ai proposé à Mariana de devenir chef de projet du comité d’organisation de l’événement WIDSParis Saclay 2020 et que j’ai tout de suite pensé à Anne-Laure , pour apporter, en tant qu’ oratrice de Total, une vision engagée sur l’usine du futur.

Mériam Chebre
Competence Manager, Total
Travaillant dans la Silicon Valley depuis 6 mois maintenant, sur un projet où la donnée est un facteur clé, il me semblait incontournable de participer à WIDS Stanford dont Total en plus est sponsor, afin d’échanger et d’apprendre avec d’autres femmes sur cette science devenue incontournable dans bien des secteurs d’activités.